
Board Member Profile

Please complete this Board Member Profile Form to help us get to know more about you as a board member. We may use information from this profile in highlights of board members on social media on occasion.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Examples: gluten free, vegetarian, shellfish allergy, no red meat, etc.
Where You Live
Where You're From
Please upload a photo of yourself. A professional headshot is preferred. You may also email a photo to robin@unitedwaynems.org
Max. file size: 8 MB.
Please share about any colleges, universities, professional certificates, and honors you have received.
Please share any professional associations to which you belong, civic clubs, networking groups, or other relevant affiliations.
Tell us about your family: spouse, children, extended family, pets, etc.
What do you enjoy in your free time?
Describe your areas of community service, through nonprofits, churches, or other avenues, and specific philanthropic or volunteer interests you have.
What is something fun or surprising that everyone may not know about you?