


Invest in your community

The workplace campaign is the backbone of United Way’s fundraising. 65% of our funds come through payroll deduction at workplace campaigns. We visit with businesses of all sizes and in all industries: manufacturing, hospitals, public schools, retail, banks, professional associations, etc. We want every employee to have an opportunity to participate in a United Way campaign no matter their job type or their income.

Workplace campaigns make giving easy for the donor, and setting up a workplace campaign is easy for the employer too. We can work with your payroll department to make it as easy as possible for your employees give to United Way.

For more information about workplace campaigns, contact Campaign Directors BJ Kent or Caleb Gann at bj@unitedwaynems.org or caleb@unitedwaynems.org or 662-841-9133.

Campaign Materials

We are so excited to welcome you to the United Way campaign team.  Below you will find materials to help you energize your team, engage and inspire your coworkers, ask everyone to give, and show thanks for the generosity that keeps United Way, and our community, strong.

Campaign Guide

Pledge Form

Campaign Checklist

Campaign Planning Worksheet

Campaign Handout

ECC Training Guide

This guide will help Employee Campaign Coordinators plan their campaign from start to finish. Click here to download the guide as a PowerPoint presentation.

Campaign Graphics & Posters

2023 Campaign Video