Include United Way of Northeast Mississippi in your planned giving
Including United Way of Northeast Mississippi in your planned giving enables us to create opportunities to improve lives in the communities we serve.
Your investments in United Way of Northeast Mississippi stay right here in our region, supporting high-quality programs in the areas of Academic Success, Health & Wellness, and Family Stability.
Support United Way of Northeast Mississippi by making a charitable gift to our Endowment Fund.
Frequently Asked Questions
IRA Rollover
The IRA rollover allows donors 70½ or older to donate up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a qualified charity without having to pay income taxes. The IRS requires owners of IRAs to begin annual withdrawals from these accounts after they turn 72 years old. An IRA rollover gift can meet an IRA’s annual required minimum distribution and reduce taxable income.
Current Will or Trust
Your legacy is reflected in your will. A bequest from a will or a living trust lets you pass any amount to United Way of Northeast Mississippi free of estate tax. You can give cash, specific property, or a percentage of your estate.
Retirement Plan
Naming United Way of Northeast Mississippi as the benficiary of a retirement account allows you to continue to draw money out of the account while are living. This method also provides you with the freedom to change your mind if the situation changes. You can contact the administrator of your retirement plan to designate United Way of Northeast Mississippi as the beneficiary of your plan.
Life Insurance
Many contributors are attracted to life insurance because it enables them to make a larger gift than they would otherwise be able to make. You can make United Way the owner of the policy and receive an income tax deduction. If you name United Way the owner and the beneficiary, you will also receive tax deductions on the annual premiums. You can change also retain ownership and name United Way as the beneficiary. If you retain ownership, the gift is revocable so you will not be eligible for current tax benefits, but your estate will not pay estate taxes on the policy proceeds United Way of Northeast Mississippi receives.
Investing in our Endowment Fund is a smart and impactful way to give to United Way of Northeast Mississippi. Here are several reasons why you should grant from your Endowment Fund today:
Early Childhood Coalition:
Invest in the next generation through Early Childhood Coalition and support programs providing kindergarten readiness, improved reading scores, resources for parents and more.
Hunger Coalition of Northeast Mississippi:
Make a real impact on food insecurity in our region. Support food pantries, hot meal programs, and weekend backpack programs.
Northeast Mississippi Health Alliance:
Invest in improving access to mental health and substance abuse resources in our region. The work of the Health Alliance will create healthier families and a thriving workforce to better the economic situation of our region.
Community Care Fund:
If you want the greatest impact, choose the Community Care Fund. this option gives United Way of Northeast Mississippi the flexibility to use your investment for the most pressing needs and the most successful programs in the areas of education, health, and family stability for years to come.
You do not need to be a millionaire to give a gift with impact – donors from all walks of life at all income levels can make an investment in securing the future of our community. The process is simple, and the impact will last for generations.
We welcome the opportunity to send you additional information or meet with you to take the next steps for an investment in our current work or as a gift to our Endowment Fund. Please contact Patti Parker at 662.841.9133 or patti@unitedwaynems.org with the subject line, “Endowment Fund” to see how a planned gift can be part of your planning.